Steam Disinfection Devices FAQs
The products in the Polti Sani System line are SDDs — patented Steam Disinfection Devices that comply with the AFNOR NF T72-110 medical standard — and have proven virucidal, bactericidal, sporicidal, fungicidal and levuricidal effects and also work on mould. Developed in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Pavia, they are designed for disinfecting environments at risk of biological contamination.
The steam from the Polti Sani System has been tested as killing up to 99.999% of microorganisms. Please see the efficacy statement.
The Polti Sani System is suitable for the frequent disinfection of surfaces, fabrics and objects. The patented technology within the dispenser generates dry saturated steam superheated to 180°C that is able to reduce the microbial load present on surfaces. After a deep clean (which is normally carried out every day), the Polti Sani System is the perfect tool for disinfecting objects and surfaces (including fabrics) several times a day, especially those that are most exposed to the continuous and frequent traffic. The steam from the Polti Sani System is actually able to work in just a few seconds, and surfaces dry quickly, preventing the risk of possible cross-infection. It reduces the microbial and viral load present on surfaces and objects, prevents infection from influenza viruses, and therefore reduces the risk of disease.
Cleaning means removing any visible dirt or dust from surfaces. Sanitising means treating environments in order to make them “healthy”, therefore complying with hygiene standards through cleaning and/or disinfection and/or ventilation of rooms etc.
Yes, you can find all the laboratory tests and studies which the Polti Sani System has undergone in Italy and abroad on the following page of our website.
- Disinfection can be carried out frequently throughout the day
- Dry saturated steam superheated to 180°C acts on all surfaces in seconds and dries quickly
- They reduce the risk of cross-infection: no contact with surfaces
- They use only tap water
- They can be used around people and animals
- They are perfect for use on all surfaces, fabrics and objects, even unusually shaped ones.
- When used together with HPMed, they also eliminate bad odours
All models are suitable for anyone who needs to carry out frequent disinfection of fabrics and surfaces that are exposed to contamination during the day and already have their own cleaning method. The choice between the models in the range depends on various factors:
- intensity of use
- size of the surface to be disinfected
- frequency of use (how many times a day surfaces must be disinfected)
- convenience and waiting times (unlimited or more limited use times)
- need to obtain a report for checking the times and frequency of disinfection/sanitisation
We mean the duration of each individual use. Of course, this depends on the surface type and degree of exposure. In particular, objects and surfaces in environments that see frequent and continuous traffic require several disinfections during the day (always following the correct protocol for use), yet with different durations depending on what is being treated. For example, it will take longer to treat all the chairs inside a cinema or a theatre but less time to treat a handle, a garment or a single changing room in a clothing store. The appliances all come with instructions and protocols for proper use.
The duration of the disinfection depends on various factors, for example the action time, the size of the surface and the level of contamination.
For DYNAMIC STEAM DISINFECTION in accordance with the AFNOR NF T72-110 standard, release the steam perpendicular to the surface, taking care to maintain a distance of 0.5 centimetres. Carry out at least one pass at a speed of 10 centimetres per second.
For STATIC STEAM DISINFECTION, release the steam perpendicular to the surface, taking care to maintain a maximum distance of 10 centimetres (spacer stand) for 30 consecutive seconds. The steam will be able to treat an area that is around 10 cm in diameter.
For FREQUENT SANITISING, release the steam with slow, repeated passes at around 10 centimetres per second over the surface.
The appliances all come with instructions and protocols for proper use.
The appliances of the Polti Sani System range are ideal for any surface, fabric or environment. For proper use, please refer to the instructions and dedicated protocol.
For proper use, you must follow the instructions and the protocols found in the box.
Yes, you can use the Polti Sani System on electrical appliances as long as you disconnect the plug from the power socket before carrying out any treatment and waiting to ensure the surfaces are perfectly dry before reconnecting the plug. For proper use, please refer to the instructions and dedicated protocol.
Polti Sani System Business or Polti Sani System Gun, if you already have a compatible Polti Vaporetto or Polti Vaporetto Lecoaspira model.
Polti Sani System Pro or Polti Sani System Check. The Polti Sani System Check allows you to print a report for checking disinfection/sanitisation times and frequency and to identify the operator who carried out the treatment.
Both models are suitable for intense, repeated treatments throughout the day, even over large surfaces. The Polti Sani System Check also allows you to obtain a report for checking the times and frequency of disinfection/sanitisation and to identify the operator who carried out the treatment. With this product, the operation can be carried out by up to 9 different operators who are individually identified by means of an ID card.
HPMED is an eco-friendly, odour-eliminating detergent. It can be used around people and animals because it is non-toxic and on surfaces and fabrics without damaging them.
The Polti Sani System can also be used without HPMed. If it is being used without the HPMed detergent, you should still attach the provided empty bottle to the dispenser to prevent condensation from coming out of the hole. HPMed cannot be replaced with other products.
A 50 ml bottle of HPMed will treat a surface area of about 100 m2 or provide 50 minutes of continuous dispensation. When the bottle has been opened, it does not need to be finished immediately but should be consumed within the next 7 days.
The flow concentrators serve to treat points which are difficult to reach or where a concentrated jet of steam is required
- Straight flow concentrator: for a concentrated jet, often used to treat drains and grills.
- Curved flow concentrator: to reach difficult and/or inaccessible places.
The warranty varies depending on purchase type. Purchases with a VAT number cover the product for one year, while if the purchase is made by a private individual, the warranty is valid for 2 years.
SDD means Steam Disinfection Device. Polti Vaporetto products that use the Vaporflexi brush are SDDs in compliance with the AFNOR NF T72-110 - March 2019 standard, certifying they have been tested for medical use and demonstrate virucidal, bactericidal, sporicidal, fungicidal and levuricidal effects and also work on mould.